Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
ACSOS-COVID19 Conference Completed Successfully
The 7th Annual Conference on Somali Studies (ACSOS-COVID19) has been successfully completed. The conference was held virtually on the 28-30 August 2021 under the theme of “COVID19 Pandemic in Somalia: Challenges, Responses and Lessons”.
ISOS Launched the 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report in Somalia
In partnership with the Lauder Institute at Pennsylvania University, the Institute for Somali Studies (ISOS)
Virtual ACSOS-COVID19 is Announced
We are proud to announce that the 7th Annual Conference on Somali Studies (ACSOS-COVID19) will be held virtually on
Why Think Tanks and Public Policy Advice Matter in Somalia
Institute for Somali Studies (ISOS) organized a webinar panel discussion entitled “Why Think Tanks and Public
(ACSOS-COVID19) Qabanqaabinta Aqoonisweydaarsiga Sannadlaha 7aad ee Cilmibaarista Soomaaliyeed
Machadka ISOS wuxuu qabanqaabinayaa
ISOS in the Top Think Tanks in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Institute for Somali Studies (ISOS) is proud to once again be recognized by University of Pennsylvania’s 2020 Global Go
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