Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS

Institute for Somali Studies - ISOS
Reporting the Hardest Stories in the Midst of Violence
Under Cilmiwadaag Platform Program, ISOS organized a discussion on “A Decade of Reporting the Hardest Stories in the Midst of Violence:
The Role of Somali Language in Education
ISOS organized Cilmiwadaag Platform on “The Role of Somali Language in Education: Mogadishu City as Case Study” presented by Mr Mustafa Abdullahi Feiruz on November 05, 2015;
Constitution-Making in Post-Conflict Societies
The Institute for Somali Studies organized a two day workshop on“Constitution-Making in Post-Conflict Societies:
Development is for all and a collective duty;
Since the collapse of the central government in 1991, the Somali civil society was an active actor on the scene, running the public service and implementing humanitarian .. ...
Two days workshop on Habits for Academic Success
Under the Somali Young Researchers Initiative, ISOS held a two day workshop on " Habits for Academic Success" on 24-25 November, 2015.
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