Somali Studies: A Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal for Somali Studies accepts scholarly papers in broad areas and disciplines on Somalia, Horn of Africa, and the Somali diaspora around the globe. The journal invites submissions from scholars and researchers, both within and outside of Horn of Africa, who comply with the following guidelines:
1. The Journal publishes academic articles, which are the work solely of the author and must not have been previously published elsewhere, nor under simultaneous consideration by any other publication.
2. The journal publishes manscripts in English and Somali languages in a clear and correct style.
3. The manuscript should follow the academic standards with appropriate methodology for each discipline. The citation and references can be in any style as long as the format is consistent throughout the manuscript.
4. The manuscript should not violate any copyright or intellectual property rights, and must be free from plagiarism. Ensuring this is the sole responsibility of the author.
5. The manuscript must be written with Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman size 12. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically.
6. The recommended length for an article is 5,000-10,000 words, with an abstract of 100 to 250 words and around 5 keywords.
7. The submission begins with an abstract and a biography of the author with full contact details, at any time. We highly appreciate early submission.
8. The manuscripts undergoe initial evaluation by the editors. Suitable papers are then peer reviewed by two or more anonymous reviewers, and only approved papers will be published.
9. Proposed changes, if any, will be sent to the author to make necessary modifications, but minor adjustments are made by editors with notification of the author.
10. The journal publishes book reviews on newly printed books, and also publishes the abstracts of theses and dissertations in its scope.
11. After publication of the paper, both the journal and the author have a full right to reuse it, in any form, though providing the first publication is acknowledged.
12. A symbolic honorarium is paid to the author(s) for each published article or essay as a token of gratitude for their contribution.
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